User experience definitely influenced the way made my Scratch game because this was a project that the whole class would see. I needed to impress them with something creative and fun to play. Based off off that i tried to find the most creative characters possible. I also checked out all of the backgrounds and music to find a creative one. My GT teacher was also going to see this so i had to follow the requirments.
I think that my two games are very different but the same in some ways. For example, one way that they are the same is that I used the some of the same codes for them like the arrow keys code. One way that I think they are different is that the Platform game I had to make a lot more sprites than my chase because i needed to have the platforms, the box, the ground, and the sprite that the player controls (Monkey).
The most advanced code out of my games would have to be falling which was included in the plat former game. This code included 2 data blocks (Gravity, Velocity). This definitely took a while. The biggest bug was also in my plat former game, it was jummping, falling and staying on the plat forms. I think out of all my games the plat former game was the hardest for me.