Friday, October 2, 2015

My Humorous Monolouge

BriganteK_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

During this project I have learned about several different tools or strategies. One of them were imovie. Imovie is how you can put clips together to make a movie. Also I learned how to work two different kinds of cameras which can both be used for taking pictures and videos.  This project taught me how to do a laughing GIF which is 5 photos of yourself and maybe another person laughing in a sequence. The order of the sequence was serious face, then smiling a little, suprised face like you got the joke, laughing, and lastly going crazy laughing. Another great tequnique that I learned from this project was videoing skills like where to set up, how to put it down and how to Learn the functions within it.

Pad was definitely a big part of filming this project. What is pad? Pad is like a one second long extension to the beginning and end of our videos. Pad helps with the problem of the last or the first word being cut off. It's good to prevent this because that word could make your whole sentence make sense or it could be the last inspiring word! Pad was also one of the most important things that was taught during the video insrtuctions so you automatically know its important.

I think one weakness of mine would be using the camera and all of the buttons on the camera. I dont know why but for some reason that was confusing for me. I think i could improve this by really resaerching and studying the different cameras that I used.I also had trouble editing the movie once it was all imported into my computer. Even though editing was one of the most fun things in this project it was a little challenging. I think I could improve this by maybe adding different affects,  Maybe they wouldn't be as hard to work with

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